Studies have shown that an average smoker spends about £900 per year on cigarettes. Meanwhile, a vape is a one-time investment and can last for more than a year. Vape maintenance and NIC salt juice barely cost around £30 a month. It still saves you £540 a year. This example alone proves how cost-effective vaping is. However, there are ways you could still save more money on vaping.

Short filled e-liquids
Regular sized e-liquids are packaged in larger quantities, and you may get bored of vaping the same flavour repeatedly. Short filled e-liquids are cheaper as they are less in quantity. They are purposely half-filled, so you can add your personalised nicotine shots to them and create a flavour of your own choice. It is also possible to divide short filled e-liquids, and this way, you can always try multiple flavours at a time. Buy 20mg nicotine salts here.
Take Care of your Coils & Pods
If you regularly clean your pods and coils, chances are you may never have to face a clogged vape cartridge. It will ultimately save you some money as you will not have to buy coils and pods frequently. Also, regular cleaning of your vaping accessories enhances the flavour as well as vape life.
Keep Good Terms with Other Vapers
It may sound selfish, but it totally makes sense.
Imagine you buy a new flavour of e-juice, and you don’t like it at all. What would you do?
It would be a smart move to trade it with a friend for another flavour. Having friends who also vape is a huge privilege, for that matter.
Buy Quality Devices
When you are buying your vaping accessories for the first time, never go for cheap stuff. Low-quality vaping material never lasts long, and you will always have to repurchase this stuff.
Rather buy good quality devices from a well-known brand, and those can easily last you for years if you keep them maintained.

Keep Looking Out For Discounts and Bargains Online
There may be a reason behind this fact, but online vape stores like the ones at×600.jpg almost always offer the best prices. Especially, Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales offer extremely low prices without compromising the quality of the product.
At Rossat Vape, we have an amazing ‘Half Price Sale’, and this offer is for a limited time. You can choose from various products like UK made e-liquids, vape pens, and other accessories from renowned brands, including True Salts, Voopoo, Innokin Oceanus and many others. Never settle for less than what you deserve, and get in touch with us today to get your accessories for a better vaping experience.