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Rossat Vape

Has vaping become a style accessory?

a woman vaping in style

There is still a common perception that those who vape are more health-conscious and cooler compared to those who smoke. Vaping is seen as an activity of powerful and desirable people. It adds to their personality. This is why vape companies are increasingly focused on how it looks! Let’s talk about the winning combo of fashion and vaping.

The curious combination of vaping and fashion

A good vape offers a lot more than just a smoking experience. Seasoned vapers now have specific vape outfits that complement their e-cigs and help them create a statement. Vape clothing inspired an urban fashion wave a couple of years back and continues to remain strong. Even back in the 1990s, supermodels like Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss combined their vape devices with fashion to make their mark in the fashion industry. Common attire that looks chic with vape devices includes streetwear like oversized hoodies, baseball caps, and t-shirts.

 a young man showing off his vape cloud

There’s a vape device for every outfit

Thankfully, vape devices aren’t uniform like cigars and cigarettes. They’re available in a wide range of attractive and aesthetically pleasing shapes and designs for you to choose from. Chances are, you’d always find a vape device that will flawlessly match with your outfit of a party theme. If you’re into sports and are headed to a baseball final, a vibrantly coloured vaping pen will work well for the event. Similarly, if you’ve got a fancy dinner to attend, a vape pod and vape pen will make you look very fashion-forward.

Vaping is a culture

Over the past few years, the vaping culture has significantly picked up. The vape community continues to grow as we speak. It has now gained international popularity as a safer alternative to cigarettes. Vapers now embrace the habit publicly and take pride in being a part of a well-knit community. Other than the act of vaping itself, vapers also associate the culture with a ‘chilled out’ attitude, hoodies, and big smoke clouds. Vaping competitions where vapers compete to exhaling the biggest possible cloud—artistically—are now a thing. Unlike cigarette smoking, vaping has become a hobby, and not an addiction.

Rossat Vape is an online vape store from the UK that specializes in premium quality vape devices, liquid fills, and accessories. We are offering free shipping on orders above £15. Start shopping!

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