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Free E Cigarette Sample in UK from NHS For Smokers

free e cigarette sample uk

A BBC article, “Free e-cigarettes for smokers in A&E trial” published on 29th April 2021 in the UK confirmed that hospitals in Edinburgh, Leicester, Norfolk, and London will be offering free Vape kits and a week supply of E-Liquid to some smokers visiting A&E through the new trial starting Autumn this year. Additionally, the smokers will also be given advice on how to use the device and will be referred to local smoking-cessation services. This move is in line with the Public Health England findings through the survey report “Vaping in England: 2021 evidence update summary” that vaping is more effective in smoking cessation. As per the report, approximately 50,000 smokers are quitting smoking in England with the help of vaping.

During the trial, some smokers at the A&E of the participating hospitals will be offered the starter kits for free, however, further supplies will have to be bought by themselves after the weekly supply of Vape Juice runs out. Where some will be offered the kits, others will be handed leaflets detailing local smoking-cessation services. After one, three, and six months, both groups’ participants will be asked if they continued smoking or not.

Offering Free E Cigarette Sample in UK is a good move

The move has been appreciated by many. Prof Caitlin Notley at the University of East Anglia thinks that it may help people quitting cigarettes when they are recruited to the trial. He further said using E-cigs to quit smoking may have more success rate as e-cigs are hand-held and generate smoke-like vapour that resembles cigarette smoking.

Prof John Newton at Public Health England said that in 2019 smoking killed 75,000 people in England. He added there is evidence that concludes vaping is one of the most effective means of quitting cigarettes.

Rossat Vape also appreciates and welcomes the move of the NHS in helping people to quit smoking that has already killed millions in UK. We further believe with the means like e-cigarette quitting cigarettes is now more effortless than ever.

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